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Before Our Final Quiz…

There are two tasks for you to complete before you go through our actual quiz.

Practice Question

Firstly, watch the video below, pause the video when you see the question, and have a go before watching the remainder of the video to see if you’ve got the right answer and whether your method was efficient.


After going through the warm-up practice area question video, have a look at the checklist to make sure you are prepared for the challenging quiz. If there is anything that you are not sure about on the checklist, make sure you go through it with your parents.

Don’t forget

If you can’t see the quiz questions clearly, make your browser narrower NOT bigger.

Singapore Maths Academy Channel

Watch other FREE explanation videos from some of the top Grammar and Independent School Exam papers questions.

Purchase Our Online Bar Model Course

The Bar Model approach is a world-class strategy for problem-solving. Purchase this course to allow your child to gain the skills to master addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division multi-step word problems.